She snatched 57kg and dropped 62kg twice. That was her winning card to put her in second place.
In the clean and jerk she did 73kg and missed 81kg in the jerk unfortunately.Kian had a personal best again with 112kg snatch and 133kg clean and jerk. He cleaned 140kg but he missed the jerk. He had 20 points difference to the silver medal holder.
Kian could have obtained a gold medal at the British senior championships 3 weeks ago if he could have jerked 140kg.
Matt came to support the team even with his broken arm.

Hillingdon team changed the colour of last years medal to Bronze from Gold as Se’s sister stopped training afterwards. Se lifted enough to get his third place safely. He is still injured from his wrist since his national squad 5 months ago and he only used the power snatch tehcnique with 110kg and power cleaned 130kg. He tried to change his medal to silver by trying 156kg clean and jerk which was 4 kg less than his best, but it was too early and too soon to make it happen again.
Kerensky, the new girl performed superbly by lifting 6 out of 6 with her wonderful technique. She will get her medal next year guaranteed
She did 38+45 and was an 8 kg personal best.
The Hounslow team came 5th this time. Sophiya and Oliver did their best and had their best result.
Sophiya did 42+51 and took 5th place and Oliver did 89kg+ 111kg and took 4th with a 5kg personal best.
In my calculations, Hounslow should have came second and not 5th, Hillingdon and Bexley should have shared the third place, but this years system wasn’t the same as before!
Harrow had only one lifter, the same as last year. We have no girls. Harrow girls are not committed to continue this sport.
Simran did very well, 66kg and 86kg new personal bests and took 8th place in the boys result. He lifted 20kg more than last year.
We hope he can have his first London Youth Games medal in 2017
Team & Family support for club:
Shila did a great job by coaching the Ealing team and looked after Se as well. Her experience made an easy job for Kazem the head coach.
Kaline our new level 2 female coach gained a good experience to understand the rules and dealing with the competition system. She was coaching Harrow with the help of Allistair our club chairman.
Every year we have two medals at the London Youth Games and this year could have been three.
Well done to everyone. Another successful London Youth Games. We took the trophy back home for the 7th time.